Storm drains are often underappreciated until they are needed. In modern plumbing and infrastructure, storm drains help to prevent flooding and keep your business safe. No matter the climate, storm drains are needed to keep our streets clear and healthy.
The benefits of storm drains for businesses are quite lengthy including, financial well-being, smooth operation, safety, and health of the customer. In order for you to recieve all of the benefits of storm drains, they need to be regularly inspected by a professional. Having your storm drains inspected, cleaned, and maintained by our professionals at Drain X will give you peace of mind.
The History Of Storm Drains
The Romans were the engineering mind behind storm drains. They built extensive draining systems in their cities to help prevent waste from piling up in common areas and to keep their streets from flooding. These simple systems relied on gravity to move water and other particles out of the city.
The modern storm drain system we are familiar with today began to take shape in the late 19th century. Cities across Europe and the United States began implementing more organized and comprehensive stormwater management systems. We now have implemented more technologically advanced systems that utilize underground pipes and mechanics to help move water and waste.
As cities continue to grow and evolve, the way that storm drains and gutter systems are built will too. Sewer systems, storm drains, and more will need to accommodate storms, changing landscapes, and climate change. If you need to expand your sewer system, working with professional plumbers and sewer experts is the best way to ensure that the system can handle the demands of more residents.
The Main Components Of A Storm Drain
There are 4 main components of a storm drain,
- Catch basins
- Stormwater pipes
- Manholes
- Outlets
Catch basins are the grates you commonly see along the streets or next to sidewalks. These basins are responsible for catching the stormwater as it runs down walkways or streets. They often have a filter that prevents the basins from overflowing and letting debris back onto the street.
After the water has gone into the catch basin, it then flows through underground stormwater pipes. Depending on the size of the city or municipal area they serve, the pipes can be a range of sizes. Larger cities that serve multiple homes and businesses will have larger circumference pipes and a larger system, compared to a small community. The capacity of these pipes is dependent on whether the town or area experiences high amounts of moisture or is prone to flooding.
When the system needs to be inspected or repaired, it is accessed through manholes, These holes are usually covered by a metal topper, but when opened, a plumber or city worker can access the pipes and other components easily. In case someone becomes trapped in the storm drains, the manholes are a critical exit point so they can get back to safety.
And finally, the outlets are where the water is released into other local bodies of water like lakes or rivers. The outlets are designed to withstand erosion and prevent discharge from getting into natural bodies of water.
Storm Drains Play A Vital Role In Mitigating Floods
Moving a large amount of runoff or stormwater away from homes and businesses is the goal of a storm drain system. Proper storm drains will be able to handle a large capacity of water and either move it to a natural water source or convert it into groundwater again.
The goal of a storm drain system is to help keep standing water away from vehicles and homes. Preventing flooding and keeping waste or other contaminants off the streets is crucial to the health and safety of our cities.
Keep Your Storm Drains Working With Proper Maintenance
While storm drains and outlets are built to be durable, they will need annual maintenance in order to keep flood waters away from your business. Storm drain maintenance should be performed by the city workers or by a hired commercial plumber. This keeps residents safe and ensures that all parts of the system stay in pristine condition.
Having a trusted plumbing company to work on storm drains or install a new system will help businesses across multiple states have a better atmosphere. Drain X experts in Northern Utah can help improve residential or commercial plumbing systems in an efficient manner. Storm drains are not a system we take for granted. If you notice a problem or need new stormwater pipes, we can help!
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